Moockrs, a directory and a social network around MOOCs
Moockrs is a social network based application around MOOCs and a directory that references more than 2000 online courses.LOOKING FOR A MOOCAccess the catalogs of the most popular platforms via our directory.For each MOOC, a detailed sheet.FIND A MOOCKRDetailed MOOC view offers a card that allows you to locate all Moockrs that follow the same MOOC you or in your area.You can also search from the list of all registered Moockrs in the application.GET IN TOUCHAdd a MOOC to your watchlist and go for a chat with other subscribers to this MOOC!You prefer to share with Moockr in particular ? His profile allows you tocontact him via email, Twitter or Facebook.This version brings major fixes related to the use of the application